ACC Online Learning
ACC Navigating the Legal and Ethical Requirements for Aviation Professionals Virtual Workshop

PLEASE NOTE: Due to low early registrations for this workshop, it has been cancelled. ACC will look into scheduling virtual training and legal and ethical requirements for aviation professionals in 2024. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Please reach out to if you should have any questions or need further information.
Workshop Program
This ACC workshop will provide an overview of the unique characteristics of airport law that planners and engineers need to understand and discuss the various ethical requirements that aviation professionals operate under while performing their duties. With a combination of more than 180 years of aviation experience, the Workshop speakers represent the diverse perspectives of certified planners (AICP), professional engineers (P.E.), attorneys (JD), and accredited airport executives (A.A.E.). Using a blend of presentations, panel discussions, and review of case studies, participants will learn about the differences between the code of ethics for engineers, planners, airport management professionals and attorneys and the application of each to airport projects. Participants will apply the information gathered from the workshop in an interactive evaluation of a case study at the conclusion of the workshop.
Workshop Instructors
• Stephanie Ward , AICP, Manager of Aviation Planning, Mead & Hunt, Inc. (Moderator)
• Ann B. Richart, A.A.E., State Aviation Director, Washington State Department of Aviation
• Greg Heaton, P.E., AICP, C.M., Vice President and Aviation Group Manager, Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc.
• Kate Andrus, AICP, LEED GA, National Environmental and Sustainability Practice Lead, Mead & Hunt, Inc.
• Kathleen Yodice, J.D., Managing Law Partner, Law Offices of Yodice Associates
• Peter Kirsch, J.D., Partner, Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell
Workshop Learning Objectives
At the end of this ACC virtual workshop, participants will be able to:
• Summarize the basic foundational legal aspects of airport law.
• Describe the various ethical aspects of project delivery that may impact their delivery of services to an airport.
• Identify how legal and professional ethics affect interactions with airports and the general public.
• Apply these principles to practical everyday problems encountered by airport professionals.
Registration Fees
Registration for the workshop is per person and registration fees must be paid in full at time of registration. Registration includes all workshop sessions, PowerPoint presentations and handouts, and the group problem solving exercises/solutions,
PLEASE NOTE: An ACC Training Hub user account is required to register. - to include name, password, email, title, organization, address, city, state, zip/postal code, country, time zone, and phone number). If the registrant does not have a user account, one can easily be created by clicking on "Create Account" in the top right-hand corner of this page. If you attempt to register an individual on the registration checkout page and you receive a pop-up notification that "User Does Not Exist," they do not have a user account and they will not have access to the workshop on September 28, 2023.
As an FYI, prior to submitting your registration at checkout, you will need to complete the required questions in red so that ACC can maximize your learning experience during the workshop.
• ACC Members - $299
• Airports and Military - $199
• Local/State/Government Agencies - $199
• Non-Members - $399
Those companies with an ACC Corporate Training Bundle save $139 on registration fees. Please contact with any questions on corporate training bundles and usage.
Earn 5.0 PDH or 3.0 CM / 1.0 CM Law / 1.0 CM Ethics Credits
Participants are responsible for adhering to and meeting the outlined accreditation criteria by the workshop deadlines to earn 5.0 PDH credits or 3.0 CM / 1.0 CM Law / 1.0 CM Ethics credts.for participating. Attendees are required to attend the entire duration of each of the four workshop sessions and complete the evaluation survey by October 13, 2023 to earn credits. Late or partial credits are not issued. Attendees need to review the ACC Accreditation FAQs to understand their responsibilities, the reporting of attendance for PDH credits to RCEP, and self-reporting for CM credits. As a registered and approved continuing education provider, ACC will not make exceptions for those failing the fulfill their accreditation responsibilities or workshop deadlines.
Workshop Agenda
All workshop times are EST.
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon - Session 1: Establishing the Legal Foundation – This session will begin with an introduction to the speakers and the format for the workshop. The session will then focus on providing a baseline of understanding for participants on the specifics of legal aspects of airport projects.
12:00 - 12:15 p.m. - Break
12:15 - 1:30 p.m. - Session 2: Understanding the Code of Ethics of Various Professions – In this session, speakers will discuss the Code of Ethics for each of their respective professions including accredited aviation executives (AAE), professional engineers (PE), certified planners (AICP) and attorneys (JD). They will also review how these codes may impact their decision-making process when working with airports and stakeholders.
1:30 - 2:15 p.m. - Break
2:15 - 3:30 p.m. - Session 3: Lessons Learned from the Trenches – In this session, speakers will share lessons learned from past projects where they had to navigate both the legal and ethical aspects of projects. Speakers will highlight areas where conflicts can often arise with the legal requirements or the ethical aspects of projects and discuss how aviation professionals can be prepared to address these issues.
3:30 - 3:45 p.m. - Break
3:45 - 5:30 p.m. - Session 4: Putting it All Together – A Case Study Exercise – Participants will use the information they have acquired from the previous three sessions to review a case study, in breakout groups, and discuss the legal and ethical implications of the case study from the perspective of the airport attorney, engineer, planner, and airport manager. They will reconvene to discuss their findings to wrap up the workshop.
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