ACC September 21 Airfield Striping: What You Need to Know for Design, Construction, and Maintenance Virtual Workshop


Register today for ACC's Airfield Striping: What You Need to Know for Design, Construction, and Maintenance Virtual Workshop on September 21, 2023 from 10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ET. Breaks are provided throughout the day for the convenience of attendees to catch up on emails, grab lunch, and return calls.

Workshop Program

The comprehensive workshop will cover best practices on design, construction and maintenance of airfield striping. Learn about common practice on design for both movement and non-movement markings. Presenters will discuss the notable and recent changes to the FAA AC 150/5370-10H and 150/5340-1M and how to incorporate them into the airport’s striping program. 

The workshop will delve into existing conditions of both the paint and underlying process, along with paint removal methods. Learn about the acceptance criteria, inspections, evaluation of markings, and Q&A methods. Industry experts will cover design principles and standards, to include the lastest FAA requirements, spec writing, phasing, and design guidelines vs. Part 139 requirements. During the workshop, you will also gain a better understanding of new products available in paint for lower maintenance needs; bead types, coverage, and distribution methods (shot by pressure vs. gravity); and best practices for marking aircraft designators on stop bars at airport gates.

Lastly, participants will participate in breakout sessions to review airfield striping examples and outline changes and modifications that should/need to be made - putting into practice what they learn during the workshop. 

Workshop Instructors

• Scott Fujikawa, P.E., C.M., Senior Civil Engineer, Sacramento County Department of Airports (Moderator)
• Donna Speidel-Pringle, President, Sightline
• Jorge Caraveo, P.E. Aviation Engineer, RS&H
• Erin M. Johnson, Airport Operations Manager, St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport
• Amanda Girten, P.E., Aviation Engineer, RS&H

Workshop Learning Objectives

At the end of this ACC virtual workshop, participants will be able to: 
• Evaluate and properly apply the different methods of surface preparation.
• Develop proper construction specifications based on best practices and the latest FAA standards in regards to airfield striping.
• Assess striping condition and metrics for a maintenance management program.
• Employ proper inspection techniques for airfield striping.

Registration Fees

Registration for the workshop is per person and registration fees must be paid in full at time of registration. Registration includes all workshop sessions, PowerPoint presentations and handouts, and the group problem solving exercises/solutions, 

PLEASE NOTE: An ACC Training Hub user account is required to register. - to include name, password, email, title, organization, address, city, state, zip/postal code, country, time zone, and phone number). If the registrant does not have a user account, one can easily be created by clicking on "Create Account" in the top right-hand corner of this page. If you attempt to register an individual on the registration checkout page and you receive a pop-up notification that "User Does Not Exist," they do not have a user account and they will not have access to the workshop on September 21, 2023.

As an FYI, prior to submitting your registration at checkout, you will need to complete the required questions in red so that ACC can maximize your learning experience during the workshop.


• ACC Members - $299 • Airports and Military - $199 • Local/State/Government Agencies - $199 • Non-Members - $399

Those companies with an ACC Corporate Training Bundle save $139 on registration fees. Please contact with any questions on corporate training bundles and usage.

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Earn 5.0 PDH Credits

Participants are responsible for adhering to and meeting the outlined accreditation criteria by the workshop deadlines to earn 5.0 PDH credits. Attendees are required to attend the entire duration of each of the four workshop sessions and complete the evaluation survey by October 6, 2023 to earn credits. Late or partial credits are not issued. Attendees need to review the ACC Accreditation FAQsto understand their responsibilities, the reporting of attendance for PDH credits to RCEP, and access to their certificates of completion via As a registered and approved continuing education provider, ACC will not make exceptions for those failing the fulfill their accreditation responsibilities or workshop deadlines.

Workshop Agenda

All workshop times are EST. 

10:30 a.m. -12:00 noon - SESSION 1: SURFACE PREPARATION AND EVALUATION. This session will explore topics such as existing conditions of both the paint and underlying pavement, and paint removal methods.    

12:00 - 12:15 p.m. - BREAK

12:15 - 1:30 p.m. - SESSION 2: DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS. This session will cover design principles and standards which include the latest FAA requirements, spec writing, phasing, and new methods and techniques.

1:30 - 2:15 p.m. - BREAK

2:15 - 3:30 p.m. - SESSION 3: CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, AND BEST PRACTICES. This session will discuss best practices, acceptance criteria, inspections, evaluation of markings, and QA methods.

3:30- 3:45 p.m. - BREAK

3:45 - 5:30 p.m. - SESSION 4: AIRFIELD STRIPING CASE STUDY (SMALL GROUP BREAKOUTS). Attendees will participate in breakout sessions to review airfield striping examples and outline changes and modifications that should/need to be made - putting into practice what they learn during the workshop.