Airport Consultants Council (ACC) presents the Washington 101 Workshop - a three day workshop designed for professionals with an interest in the role of advocacy and policy formation.

"The Washington 101 workshop was an excellent opportunity to learn more about the inner workings of government, funding, and advocacy – and how they work together to shape our aviation industry. As an airport consultant, understanding how policy decisions are made provided a greater appreciation for my role in the industry and the opportunities we have to advocate for airports."

- Jen Wolchansky, Mead & Hunt

About the Workshop

The Washington 101 Workshop will provide attendees a concise overview of how the federal government works and its impacts on aviation and airports. Program topics include information on the role of the FAA and the U.S. Congress, and aviation associations in formulating policy that shape our aviation system. Participants can also expect to learn about how legislation is shaped and influenced and the general characteristics of effective advocacy techniques. 
